This blog is something I did for an English project in ninth grade. Before starting Of Mice And Men, we had to do some preliminary research and exhibit our knowledge using as modern/technological a medium as possible. Being somewhat familiar with Blogger, I chose this one.
Obviously, then, it's not going to be a continuous thing. There are three topics we are supposed to cover: the life of John Steinbeck, causes of and life during the Great Depression, and life for migrant workers during the Great Depression.
All of this is supposed to help foster a better understanding of the context of the novella we are about to read, so as to better comprehend and relate to/read into its contents. I hope this blog has established that.
Note: The URL of this blog is This isn't anything like "The Steinbeck Project," or anything like that. This blog does not purport to be an organization or entity of any kind other than the English project of a ninth grader.
That said, enjoy.